Circus fitness, Exercise and fitness, Mindset Ophelie FrenchKiss Circus fitness, Exercise and fitness, Mindset Ophelie FrenchKiss

5 Essential Tips to Balance Aerial Training with Your Daily Hustle

Struggling to balance your aerial training with a busy daily life? Our latest blog, '5 Essential Tips to Balance Aerial Training with Your Daily Hustle,' is here to help. Discover practical strategies for effective time management, setting realistic goals, and integrating training into your daily routine. Learn how to maintain your passion for aerial arts without compromising your work, studies, or family commitments. Whether you're squeezing in a quick home workout or managing a full schedule, these tips will guide you to find your perfect balance. Join us as we explore the art of juggling aerial fitness with life's other responsibilities, ensuring you stay on track both in the air and on the ground.

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Mindset, Aerial skills, Circus fitness Ophelie FrenchKiss Mindset, Aerial skills, Circus fitness Ophelie FrenchKiss

Stop Comparing, Start Soaring: 3 Steps to Boosting Confidence in Aerial Arts

Dive into 'Flying High: Building Self-Confidence in Your Aerial Arts Journey,' where we explore overcoming self-comparison, embracing personal growth, and the importance of a supportive community in the aerial arts. Learn how focusing on your unique journey, rather than others', can significantly boost your confidence and enrich your experience in this beautiful art form.

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Circus fitness, Lifestyle, Mindset Ophelie FrenchKiss Circus fitness, Lifestyle, Mindset Ophelie FrenchKiss

The Long Road Back to the Spotlight: Navigating Performance Comebacks and Embracing Growth

After a series of life-altering surgeries and years away from the stage, I faced my deepest fears and embarked on an inspiring journey back to performance. Discover how I navigated performance anxiety, surmounted challenges, and learned to embrace growth, in my latest blog post.

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Circus fitness, Mindset Ophelie FrenchKiss Circus fitness, Mindset Ophelie FrenchKiss

Mastering the Mindset: Overcoming Challenges and Pushing Your Limits in Aerial Training

Unlock the power of your mindset in aerial training with our blog, "Mastering the Mindset: Overcoming Challenges and Pushing Your Limits." Discover strategies to conquer fears, maintain motivation, and reach your aerial potential. Learn how a growth mindset can propel you beyond limits, conquer fear with practical techniques, and sustain unwavering motivation. Explore the importance of friendships within the aerial community, where safety and growth thrive through spotting and teaching. Join us on this empowering journey to soar to new heights in your aerial training. Dive in and unlock your full potential today!

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Circus fitness, Lifestyle, Mindset Ophelie FrenchKiss Circus fitness, Lifestyle, Mindset Ophelie FrenchKiss

From Hospitality to Circus: Unfolding My Unique Career Transformation Journey

Embarking on a dramatic career transformation from luxury hospitality management to the captivating world of circus and aerial arts, I've navigated a path that's as unconventional as it is exhilarating. With 15 years entrenched in hospitality roles and a sudden pivot into the mesmerizing world of circus, my journey is a testament to the thrill of chasing dreams, no matter how far-fetched they may seem. From the bustling world of five-star hotels to the glittering stage lights of the circus ring, my tale is about resilience, passion, and the courage to follow your heart. Ready for an adventure? Discover how I made my unconventional dreams a reality, one act at a time.

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Mental Health, Exercise and fitness, Mindset Ophelie FrenchKiss Mental Health, Exercise and fitness, Mindset Ophelie FrenchKiss

Unraveling the Stigma: Mental Health in the Fitness Industry

The fitness industry, at its core, should be a champion of holistic health – but is it? My personal experience navigating this terrain has shown me that mental health often falls by the wayside. Body image pressures, unattainable ideals of perfection, and a narrow definition of 'health' can lead us down a path that neglects our mental well-being. It's time to unmask the fitness industry and redefine what it truly means to be 'fit'...

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Mental Health, Exercise and fitness, Mindset Ophelie FrenchKiss Mental Health, Exercise and fitness, Mindset Ophelie FrenchKiss

Dispelling the Stigma: Understanding Mental Health Medications

Dispelling the Stigma: Understanding Mental Health Medications

As we delve into the realm of mental health medications, it's essential to confront and challenge the stigmas that often cloud our understanding. My journey has taught me that there's no one-size-fits-all in mental health treatment, and medications, despite the controversies, can play a pivotal role for many. The misunderstandings, fears, and societal pressures that surround mental health medications can often deter individuals from seeking the help they need..

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Mental Health, Mindset, Lifestyle Ophelie FrenchKiss Mental Health, Mindset, Lifestyle Ophelie FrenchKiss

5 Habits that helped me overcome fear, anxiety, and panic attacks.

I wanted to share with you some of the habits that have helped me overcome fears and anxieties. These are not only helpful for those who suffer from anxiety but also for anyone who wants to be more present in their life and create better relationships with other personal battles with fear, anxiety, and panic attacks.

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