From Surgery to Soaring: Overcoming Challenges and Rediscovering Passion

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and sometimes those detours can lead us away from our passions. This was the case for me, as I faced a series of challenging surgeries during my formative years as a circus enthusiast. Today, I want to share my personal journey of overcoming those obstacles and finding my way back to the world of aerial arts. My hope is that by sharing my story, I can inspire and guide those who have faced similar setbacks on their own aerial journey.

A Childhood Dream Deferred

At the age of 8, I was captivated by the magic of circus. The aerial arts, in particular, held a special place in my heart. I trained tirelessly, honing my skills on various apparatuses, and dreaming of a future performing under the big top. However, fate had a different plan for me.

At 11 years old, I faced a series of corrective surgeries that spanned four years. These surgeries were necessary for my overall well-being and health, but they took me away from the circus world that I loved so deeply. It was a challenging and frustrating time, as I had to navigate the physical and emotional toll of surgeries, recovery periods, and the uncertainty of whether I would ever regain the strength and ability to pursue my aerial dreams again.

Finding Strength and Patience

During those 15 years away from aerial training, I never lost the fire within me. I immersed myself in other areas of interest, including studying and building a career in hospitality management. While my path had taken a different direction, my love for circus and aerial arts never waned.

In 2013, when the time finally felt right to reignite my aerial passion after a 15-year hiatus due to surgeries, I faced a significant challenge. Limited access to specialized circus spaces and the lack of affordable training options meant that I had to navigate my return to aerial mostly on my own. The frustration grew as I struggled to find professionals who truly understood the intricacies and unique demands of this exceptional skill.

Driven by my determination and fueled by the lack of support, I took it upon myself to carve a path forward. With sheer determination, I immersed myself in self-teaching and self-exploration, uncovering the hidden nuances and pushing the boundaries of my own abilities. It was a journey that demanded relentless perseverance and a deep understanding of my body's intricacies, limitations, and potential.

As I delved deeper into my self-guided training, I realized the dire need for a more specialized approach tailored specifically to aerialists. Fueled by my frustration and a burning desire to empower others on their aerial journey, I made the decision to become a coach and create a program that fills the void I once experienced.

My program is designed to provide aerial enthusiasts with the structure, support, and targeted training they deserve. Drawing from my personal experiences and insights gained through countless hours of self-exploration, I aim to equip individuals with the tools they need to thrive in their aerial pursuits. It is a testament to the unwavering passion and dedication that lies within us, even in the absence of formal guidance.

Overcoming Challenges and Soaring Again

My journey back to aerial training was not without challenges. I had to rebuild my strength, regain flexibility, and reacquaint myself with the aerial apparatuses I had once known so well. It was a humbling experience, but it also reignited a sense of determination and resilience within me.

Through consistent practice, perseverance, and the support of a community that understood the struggles I faced, I slowly but surely regained my aerial abilities. Every small victory along the way reminded me that setbacks do not define us; they are merely stepping stones on the path to success.

Inspiring Others to Overcome

Now, as I reflect on my personal journey from surgery to soaring, I am driven to inspire others who may be facing their own challenges. Whether it's recovering from surgery, dealing with physical limitations, or grappling with the fear of reinjury, know that you are not alone.

My advice to those on a similar path is to be patient with yourself. Embrace the process of rebuilding and rediscovering your abilities. Surround yourself with a supportive community that understands and uplifts you. Seek guidance from professionals who can help you navigate the journey safely. And most importantly, never lose sight of your passion and the joy it brings to your life.


Life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges our way, but with determination and resilience, we can overcome them. My personal journey from surgery to soaring is a testament to the power of persistence

By sharing my story and offering this specialized program, I hope to inspire and guide those who have felt the frustration of being misunderstood and underserved in their aerial training. Together, we can elevate the understanding and recognition of this extraordinary art form, nurturing a community of aerialists who can soar to new heights and unleash their full potential.

Ready to embark on your aerial fitness journey? Unlock your potential with the Fitfrenchkiss Aerialist's Starter Toolkit! Our comprehensive program is specifically designed for beginners and intermediates who want to build strength, flexibility, and confidence in the aerial arts. πŸŒŸπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ

Get access to step-by-step instructional videos, personalized training plans, and expert tips to kickstart your aerial skills. Whether you're dreaming of silks, hoop, or hammock, our Aerialist's Starter Toolkit has you covered. πŸŽͺ✨

Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your fitness to new heights! Join the Aerialist's Starter Toolkit program today and unleash your inner aerialist.


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A Beginner's Guide to Aerial Fitness: Getting Started and Setting Goals